Privacy Policy


Company SIA "iMOSA", with registration number (of the Republic of Latvia): 40103991913 (further – MOSA) bears the responsibility to protect their customers’ privacy.

According to this we have prepared Privacy Policy principles regarding customer data collection, use, publication, sharing and maintenance.

We operate according to the legislation of the Republic of Latvia, as well as respective EU norms.


Legal grounds of personal data processing

1. MOSA processes Client personal data based on the following legal grounds:

• for agreement conclusion and execution – to enter into agreement upon Client order and ensure its fulfillment;

• for fulfilling legal norms – to fulfill responsibilities imposed by respective legal norms;

• in accordance with Client approval;

• for legal interests – to fulfill legal interests arising from liabilities or agreement between MOSA and the Client, or law.


2. MOSA legal interests are:

• operate business;

• check Client identity before entering into agreement;

• ensure fulfillment of contractual liabilities;

• maintain Client orders of goods or services, as well as any notes about them (for example, verbal or written);

• analyze MOSA webpage performance;

• advertise its goods and services by sending commercial notifications (in case the Client has subscribed apart);

• send notifications about execution of agreements of order and purchase;

• prevent fraud;

• administer purchases, payments and orders;

• inform the society about its activities.


Purpose for personal data processing

3. MOSA processes personal data for the following purposes:

- for client identification;

- for agreement preparation and conclusion;

- for delivery of goods and preparation and provision of services (to fulfill the liabilities of the agreement);

- for advertisement and promotion of goods or commercial purposes (if the Client has subscribed for that apart);

- for client service;

- for reviewing and processing claims;

- for payment administration;

- for improvement of webpage operation.


Personal data processing

4. MOSA processes Client data employing modern technology solutions, taking into account existing privacy risks and available organizational, financial and technical resources.


5. To ensure the quality and efficiency of the fulfillment of the agreement liabilities concluded with the Client MOSA may authorize its business partners to carry out certain activities related to delivery of goods or provision of services, for example, shipping of goods, commercial notification sending and other. When carrying out these activities, MOSA business partners process Client person data and shall be considered MOSA data procession operators (processors) and MOSA has the right to provide Client person data to its business partners for carrying out these activities in amount necessary to carry out these activities.


6. MOSA business partners (as person data processors) shall ensure requirement of person data procession and protection in accordance with Data procession agreement and legal norms, and shall not use person data for other purposes other than fulfilling liabilities of Client agreement assigned by MOSA.


7. MOSA shall not disclose Client person data, except the following cases:

• if the data shall be handled over to the respective third party in the framework of the concluded agreement (for example, for the delivery of goods);

• if the Client has given a clear and unambiguous approval;

• upon reasonable request of certain persons regulated by external legal norms, in order and amount regulated by the external legal norms;

• in cases regulated by external legal acts for protecting legal interests of MOSA.


Person data shall be stored for a period of time:

• as long as Client agreement is in force;

• as long as MOSA or Client may fulfill its legitimate interests in accordance to external legal acts;

• as long as there is a legal obligation to store data;

• as long as Client approval is valid for the respective person data procession, if there are no other legal data procession grounds.


Access to person data and other rights of the Client

8. Client has the right to receive information regulated by legal acts regarding its data procession.

9. Client has the right to request termination of its person data processing, request information about purposes for using its person data, as well as request sending its person data in common form to itself or a third party. To avoid abuse of Client data and rights request shall be submitted in such a form that allows to identify person submitting the request, identity (the request shall be digitally signed or submitted in person to MOSA). We have the right to provide answer to such requests in the period of 30 days.

Request to terminate data processing shall be considered as request to terminate regular client agreement.


Client approval of data procession and right to recall

Client may give its approval for data processing, that’s legal grounds is approval (for example, receiving commercial notifications etc.), at webpage (and its subdomain, by e-mail [email protected], by phone 0037126446188 or in person (in street markets etc.).

10. Client has the right to recall its approval for data processing by the same means it was given or by above mentioned e-mail.

11. Recall of approval shall not impact data processions carried out during the period Client approval was in force.

12. By recalling its approval data procession shall not be ceased which is carried out based on other legal grounds.


Communication with Client and Commercial Notifications

13. MOSA communicates with client by means of contact information provided by the Client (phone number, e-mail address).

14. Communication about fulfillment of liabilities of the agreement MOSA carries out on the grounds of the concluded agreement (for example, about the delivery, information about purchases and invoices etc.)

15. Communication about commercial notifications MOSA carries out in accordance to legal acts or in accordance with Client approval.

16. Client can give approval for person data processing, that’s legal ground is approval (for example, receiving commercial notifications etc.), at webpage (or its subdomain, by e-mail [email protected], by phone 0037126446188 or in person (during street markets etc.).

17. Client’s approval for receiving commercial notifications is in force until its recall (also after termination of service agreement). Client may recall receiving further commercial notification anytime.

18. MOSA shall stop sending commercial notifications as soon as Client request has been processed.


Other conditions

We assume that before using our webpage or placing an order, you have read our Privacy Policy principles, as well as you have accepted them. We hold the right to amend main conditions of the Privacy Policy and informing our regular clients. However, we always do everything possible to ensure that Privacy Policy is always renewed and available at our website.

For solving any problems and questions about Privacy Policy or data processing, as well as in cases a client wants to unsubscribe from receiving commercial notifications, please, contact us by e-mail [email protected]